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Fattoretto ROI Driven SEO Agency

Monica Brignoli

Senior SEO Specialist in Fattoretto Agency, autrice del libro "Stagionalità SEO per e-commerce", docente DCA e contributor in SEMrush e Ninja Marketing. Scopre il mondo SEO nel 2016, mentre lavora come copywriter e, in pochi anni, grazie a tanta curiosità e passione raggiunge traguardi importanti per la sua carriera. Oggi è specializzata in SEO per eCommerce e digital PR, e collabora con grossi brand del panorama nazionale e internazionale.  
Senior SEO Specialist in Fattoretto Agency, author of the book "Seasonality SEO for e-commerce", DCA teacher and contributor in SEMrush and Ninja Marketing. She discovers the world of SEO in 2016, while she works as a copywriter and, in a few years, thanks to so much curiosity and passion she reaches important milestones for her career. Today she specializes in SEO for eCommerce and digital PR, and collaborates with big brands of the national and international scene.